State Bar of Georgia
State Bar of Georgia

The function of the Client Assistance Program (CAP) is to serve the public and members of the Bar. Individuals contact CAP with their questions or issues about legal situations, seeking information, complaints about attorneys and communication problems between clients and attorneys. Most problems can be resolved by CAP’s providing information and referrals, possibly contacting the attorney or suggesting other ways of dealing with the situation.

The State bar of Georgia is prohibited from intervening in cases, interpreting laws or rules, giving any legal advice and referring persons to individual attorneys. CAP does not have “in person” meetings; all of CAP’s actions are handled by telephone, letter, fax and email.

CAP tries to help consumers solve problems in other ways by improving lawyer-client communications and resolving conflicts through informal methods. Filing a grievance may not solve a client’s problem, so CAP works to find other options. There are, of course, situations in which grievances are necessary.

In addition to clients, CAP also helps lawyers by providing courtesy calls, faxes or letters when dissatisfied clients contact the program. Most problems with clients can be prevented by returning calls promptly, keeping clients informed about the status of their cases, explaining billing practices, meeting deadlines and managing a caseload efficiently.

Everything CAP deals with is confidential except:

  1. Where the information clearly shows that the lawyer has misappropriated funds, engaged in criminal conduct or intends to engage in criminal conduct in the future;
  2. Where the caller files a grievance and the lawyer involved wants CAP to share some information with the Office of the General Counsel; or
  3. A court compels the production of the information.

The purpose of the confidentiality rule is to encourage open communication and resolve conflicts informally.

CAP retains correspondence for 30 days, after which it is destroyed. No original documents should be sent to CAP.

Typical Problems and What the Client Assistance Program Does to Help