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Frequently Asked Questions

Category: TILPP

  • Group Mentoring is a part of TILPP. Both the mentoring and CLE components of TILPP satisfy the CLE requirement for Georgia’s Beginning Lawyers. All lawyers subject to CLE requirements pay applicable fees for the production and logistical costs associated with programs. Further, beginning lawyers not in Group Mentoring still pay for their respective mentoring activities just as you do in Group Mentoring. Beginning lawyers in Outside Mentoring and Inside Mentoring environments engage in mentoring activities during time periods when they would otherwise be generating income and/or billable hours.

  • Prosecutors, Solicitors: Contact your supervisor or the Prosecuting Attorneys Council of Georgia at 770-282-6300.

    Public Defenders: Contact your supervisor or the Public Defender Standards Council at 404-795-2440.

    All Other Beginning Lawyers: Please check the TILPP page or the ICLE page on the State Bar of Georgia website. 

  • Group Mentoring events generally occur in March, May and August, but future schedules are subject to change. Advance notices of Group Mentoring activities can be found on the TILPP and/or ICLE pages of the State Bar of Georgia website.  Additional, reminders are forwarded to Beginning Lawyers by the ICLE department. You will receive reminders via email and/or first class mail to the address you have on file with the State Bar of Georgia. [You are required to keep current address information on file with the State Bar of Georgia (State Bar Rule 1-207)].

  • The goal of TILPP is to provide professional guidance and counsel to assist Beginning Lawyers who are newly admitted to the State Bar of Georgia in acquiring the practical skills, judgment and professional values necessary to practice law in a highly competent manner.

  • The intent of TILPP is to create a synergy between the CLE and mentoring component. To assist Mentors and to help insure some structure and uniformity, a Model Plan of Mentoring Activities and Experiences is provided.

    This Model Plan features a list of experiences and topical questions that the Mentor and Beginning Lawyer can use as presented or customize with comparable substitutions that fit their particular needs and circumstances.

    Should any substitutions be made to the Model Plan, the plan shall be submitted to TILPP’s Director for approval.

    Although great flexibility in designing each particular plan is warranted, the plan should foster discussion and implementation of professional skills and values.

  • The mentor orientation program presents an overview and background of TILPP.  Additionally, the program provides information to aid mentors in developing an effective mentoring relationship with the Beginning Lawyer.

  • It is wise to file a conflict letter for TILPP seminars, so as to lessen the possibility of conflicts. However, if you find yourself with an unavoidable conflict attend a Group Mentoring event on an alternate date. Group Mentoring events are typically offered in March, May and August. 

  • The Mentor shall inform the TILPP Director as soon as practicable. In the event the Mentor is unable to do so, the Beginning Lawyer is required to immediately notify the TILPP Director of the situation.

    In all situations, completion of a full year of mentoring is required. Decisions regarding how and whether to reconstitute a mentorship because of the inability of a Mentor to continue will be made by the TILPP Director. The decision will be made on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration individual circumstances and what has or has not been achieved during the original mentorship.

    The Standards of the Profession Committee has the ultimate authority and responsibility for policies and procedures for situations where a mentorship ends prematurely.

  • Administratively, TILPP refers to a change from one Mentor to another Mentor as a “Migration”. The Migration request is made in writing using the Migration Form.

    Neither the Beginning Lawyer nor the Mentor is required to report the reason for a Migration request.

  • The same deadlines, late fees and penalties for general CLE applies. See Rule 8-107.

  • Minimum Qualifications for Mentors are set out in State Bar Rule 8-104(B), Regulation (6). The qualifications of prospective Mentors are screened by the TILPP Director.

  • The Mentor’s responsibilities include:

    1. Devoting the time required for meaningful mentoring;
    2. Guiding and teaching the Beginning Lawyer practical skills, seasoned judgments, and sensitivity to ethical and professionalism values;
    3. Devising, jointly with the Beginning Lawyer, a Mentoring Plan;
    4. Working with the Beginning Lawyer to complete the Model Mentoring Plan or devise jointly with the Beginning Lawyer a Mentoring Plan comparable to the Model Mentoring Plan (any changes must be approved by Director within 90 days of admission to practice); and,
    5. Monitoring the Beginning Lawyer’s Plan progress; and,
    6. Certifying, at the end of 12 months, that the Plan was completed satisfactorily in its entirety.
    1. To satisfactorily complete TILPP’s Mentoring Component by:
    • devoting the time required for this mandatory Program;
    • making themselves available to the Mentor’s guidance;
    • working with the Mentor to complete the Model Mentoring Plan or devising jointly with the Mentor a Mentoring Plan comparable to the Model Mentoring Plan (any changes must be approved by Director within 90 days of admission to practice; and,
    • satisfactorily completing the Mentoring Plan in its entirety.
    1. To complete TILPP’s CLE component satisfactorily, by attending the mandatory six (6) hour credit Beginning Lawyer Program CLE and six (6) additional CLEs of the Beginning Lawyers choice.
  • There are three ways to transfer or migrate out of Group Mentoring and have an individual Mentor:

    1. Open your own law practice (TILPP Director will assign an Outside Mentor to assist a sole practitioner who has opened their own law office which serves as their sole means of livelihood, when requested within 90 days after admission to practice);
    2. Work in association with a legal organization or law firm which agrees to assign an Inside Mentor to assist one-on-one; or
    3. Locate an Outside Mentor or Inside Mentor on your own.

    NOTE: The Program Director only assists Beginning Lawyers who are sole practitioners in locating Outside Mentors and only within 90 days after admission to practice.

  • Because you have elected “ACTIVE” status with the State Bar of Georgia instead of “INACTIVE” status. Your compliance with TILPP is based upon your “ACTIVE” status, regardless of how much time, or how little time, you actually devote to the practice of law. (State Bar Rule 8-104(B)(1)).

    TILPP is designed for Beginning Lawyers who are actually practicing law. If you are not currently practicing law, you should consider taking “INACTIVE” status. 

    Group Mentoring is geared toward those who are: 1) employed in a non-legal setting; 2) employed as a contractor; 3) working in a part-time legal position; 4) not paired with a mentor; 5) in solo practice; or 6) seeking employment.

  • Complete and submit the Migration Form, Compliance Checklist and Mentor Volunteer Form to the TILPP Director and provide your potential Mentor with information for Mentors located under TILPP Documents on the TILPP page of the State Bar of Georgia website.

  • For concerns about Program requirements or procedures in general, a Mentor or Beginning Lawyer should convey such concerns to the TILPP Director, who will seek the assistance of the Standards Committee, if necessary, to resolve the issue.

    Appeals from decisions of the Standards Committee will be made to the Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency.

  • The Mentor and Beginning Lawyer are expected to spend a sufficient amount of time to fully carry out the Mentoring Plan mutually agreed upon. While regular meetings are suggested, TILPP does not specify the number or length of meetings.

  • Fee information is provided in the brochure forwarded to you by ICLE of Georgia. This information can also be found on the registration page of the seminar on the State Bar of Georgia website.

  • As of 2019, there are eight mandatory first year legal mentoring programs throughout the United States.

  • You do not receive CLE hours for Group Mentoring activities, because your attendance at Group Mentoring seminars satisfy TILPP’s Mentoring component. You receive mentoring credit for your attendance. 

  • A beginning lawyer enrolls in TILPP upon admission to practice and has the remaining time in the year of admission and the following year to complete the program. State Bar Rule 8-104.

  • Ten years. See 10 Years In The Making.

  • The Mentor and the Beginning Lawyer both have responsibility for evaluating the mentoring relationship, but the Mentor has sole responsibility for assessing whether the Beginning Lawyer has fully completed TILPP.

  • A Beginning Lawyer is asked to nominate his or her own Outside Mentor. The Beginning Lawyer may direct a potential Outside Mentor to the 1-Page Executive Summary for Inside & Outside Mentor Volunteers.

    The nomination must be approved by the TILPP Director (“Director”).

    A Beginning Lawyer who, for whatever reason, is unable to identify an Outside Mentor notifies the Director within ninety (90) days of admission by submitting answers to the Solo Practice Email Questionnaire received after enrollment. The Director, working with the Standards of the Profession Committee (“Committee”), will draw upon their knowledge of potential Mentors in proximity to the Beginning Lawyer as well as seek assistance from local judges, voluntary bar associations, and the State Bar of Georgia Board of Governors.

    In the event no Mentor can be found for a Beginning Lawyer to act on a one-on-one basis, then the Beginning Lawyer will complete TILPP in Group Mentoring (see below).

  • TILPP is operated under the auspices of the Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency (CCLC) pursuant to its general supervisory authority to administer the continuing legal education rules.

    The Standards of the Profession Committee is a committee of the CCLC with responsibilities for devising and recommending policy to the CCLC as to the operation of TILPP.

  • Beginning Lawyers enroll in TILPP upon admission to practice in Georgia. COMPLIANCE WITH TILPP IS MANDATORY.  Once admitted to practice, the TILPP Enrollment form must be submitted with the membership application when registering with the State Bar of Georgia. When the TILPP Enrollment form is received and processed, Beginning Lawyers are given additional TILPP compliance information. However, prior to that time, information on the program can be found on the tilpp page of the website

  • TILPP consists of two components: (1) Mentoring; and (2) CLE. Beginning Lawyers receive written confirmation from the TILPP Director upon successful completion of both components.

    To Complete CLE: Complete 12 CLE hours, inclusive of the mandatory Beginning Lawyers Program. Attendance is automatically reported to TILPP if you attend CLE seminars sponsored by TILPP and/or facilitated by ICLE. For CLE events facilitated by other CLE providers, Beginning Lawyers must ensure that the CLE provider forwards proof of attendance to the State Bar of Georgia CLE department.

    Remember, all attorneys can check their CLE status online by logging onto the State Bar of Georgia website.

    To Complete Inside or Outside Mentoring: Submit the Completed Mentoring Plan and Mentoring Completion Certificate signed by your Mentor upon completion of your mentoring plan. The proposed Mentoring Plan, Mentor Volunteer Form, Compliance Checklist and Continuing Legal Education Agreement (if Outside Mentoring) should be submitted within 90 days of admission to practice.

    To Complete Group Mentoring: Submit the completed MAE form (within 90 days of admission) and attend 2 Group Mentoring seminars.

  • Participate in 2 Group Mentoring seminars. Generally, each individual Group Mentoring activity lasts three (3) to four (4) hours, but program agendas are subject to change.  Additionally, you are required to complete and submit the Mandatory Advocacy Experiences form.

  • This is a matter to be addressed and established between the Mentor and the Beginning Lawyer at the outset of the mentoring relationship.

  • Yes. A lawyer who enters the practice of law as federal, state, local, or other governmental employee or in-house counsel may satisfy the requirements of TILPP by participating for twelve months in a TILPP approved new lawyer mentoring program specially designed for the office or agency under policies and procedures established by the Standards of the Profession Committee and the Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency. If the office or agency does not have a TILPP approved specially designed program, the Beginning Lawyer will complete TILPP in  Inside Mentoring using the Model Mentoring Plan.

  • Regular contact and meetings between the Mentor and Beginning Lawyer.

    Continuing discussions between the Mentor and Beginning Lawyer on at least the following topics:

    • Ethics and professionalism.
    • Relationships with clients, other lawyers (both in and outside the firm), the judiciary and the public, including unrepresented parties.
    • Professional work habits, organizational skills and practice management.
    • Economics of practicing law in the relevant practice setting.
    • Responsibility and opportunities for pro bono work, bar activities, and community service.

    Introduction to the local legal community.

    Specific planning for professional development and continuing legal education in and outside the firm, company or organization.

    Emotional Intelligence—financial awareness, managing stress and wellness tools.

    Periodic evaluation of the Mentor-Beginning Lawyer relationship.