State Bar of Georgia
State Bar of Georgia
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Legislative Initiatives That May Affect the Child Protection and Advocacy Section

Juvenile Justice Reform Legislation (HB 242) - In 2012, Gov. Nathan Deal reappointed the Special Council on Criminal Justice Reform. He asked members to study Georgia’s juvenile justice system and craft recommendations that improve public safety and decrease costs.

With the help of the Pew Center on the States, a non-partisan research organization, the Council produced a sound set of research-based recommendations. These recommendations were combined with previous legislative efforts led by Rep. Wendell Willard, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

The resulting legislation reorganizes, revises and modernizes Title 15, Chapter 11 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, a section of our law known as the juvenile code. Download the summary of key elements of House Bill 242, highlighting changes from current law by clicking here.

HB 46 – satisfactory child protective services report required for directors and employees of day care and child care facilities

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