State Bar of Georgia
State Bar of Georgia
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Editorial Guidelines

Environmental Law Section of the Georgia Bar
Guidelines for Authors
updated April 12, 2010

The following are guidelines for those wishing to submit an article for the newsletter published by the Environmental Law Section of the Georgia Bar (ELS):

  • Newsletters will generally be published twice a year, in Summer and Winter, with special issues offered as needed to cover specific topics of interest.
  • The ELS Editorial Board will seek to obtain a variety of articles for each issue and, if available, will generally publish one article on air quality issues, one article on water quality issues, and one article on land quality or waste issues in each newsletter.
  • All articles must be submitted to the ELS Editorial Board by the appropriate deadline for the upcoming publication.  The deadline for the submission of articles for the Summer publication will be May 15th and the deadline for submission of articles for the Winter publication will be November 1st, each year.  
  • The ELS generally publishes articles of about five single-spaced pages of body text in length, but submissions of longer or shorter articles are still encouraged.  The ELS Editorial Board will work with authors as needed to ensure appropriate length.  Authors should provide the articles to the ELS Editorial Board in Microsoft Word format.  
  • Articles should contain appropriate footnotes to cite other works noted in the article.  Footnotes should be formatted in a consistent manner using either (i) the Bluebook Blue Pages, (ii) Chicago, (iii) or APA formatting styles.  Authors should include web addresses in citations where available and appropriate.
  • Articles that have already been published in another publication can be submitted for the ELS newsletter.  However, the article should be tailored to the ELS audience, proper citation must be made to the prior publication, and the ELS Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse publication if the re-publication of the article in the ELS newsletter is deemed to be inappropriate by the ELS Editorial Board.  Once an article has been published in the ELS newsletter, it can be re-published in another publication.
  • All articles will be reviewed and edited by the ELS Editorial Board.  Authors should be prepared to work with the assigned ELS Editorial Board editor to revise the article as needed prior to publication.  Even so, authors should submit articles in final form, with all appropriate citations and references included.
  • While opinions and political statements are welcome, authors should avoid inflammatory statements and should endeavor to maintain a balanced tone in their article.

Authors may contact any of the following ELS Editorial Board Members for questions regarding these guidelines or to discuss specific publication opportunities:

John Allen - (404) 527-4102
Mack McGuffey - (404) 885-3698
John Bottini - (404) 572-3531  
Donna Nance - (404) 531-0311
Casey Fernung - (404) 581-8119  
Andrea Pawlak - (404) 688-6800
Karen Johnston - (770) 433-8211