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Congratulations to new Chief Justice David Nahmias

Jul 9, 2021, 00:00 by Elizabeth L. Fite

Daily Report

To the Editor:

On behalf of the State Bar of Georgia, I would like to express congratulations to Justice David E. Nahmias on his recent installation as chief justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia.

Chief Justice Nahmias will be well served in his new position by his 30 years of experience in the legal profession and justice system, including the past 12 years as a justice on the Supreme Court. A dedicated judicial leader and public servant, Chief Justice Nahmias previously served as U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Georgia.

I had the honor of helping welcome Chief Justice Nahmias to his new position of leadership during his investiture ceremony last week. Like his predecessors and fellow justices on the Supreme Court, he is a friend of the State Bar and for the past several years has presented the Juvenile Law and Child Advocacy Awards at our annual meetings.

Our gratitude also goes to retiring Chief Justice Harold D. Melton for his outstanding leadership since September 2018 as chief justice and throughout his 16 years on the court. The State Bar of Georgia enjoys a strong working relationship with the Supreme Court of Georgia in our joint mission of serving the public and the justice system, which we look forward to continuing under the leadership of Chief Justice Nahmias.

Elizabeth L. Fite
President, State Bar of Georgia

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