Pursuant to Rule 4-403 (c) of the Rules and Regulations of the State Bar of Georgia, the Formal Advisory Opinion Board (“Board”) made a preliminary determination to issue Proposed Formal Advisory Opinion No. 24-1.
Pursuant to Rule 4-403 (c) of the Rules and Regulations of the State Bar of Georgia, the Formal Advisory Opinion Board (“Board”) made a preliminary determination to issue Proposed Formal Advisory Opinion No. 23-1.
Motion 2024-2 has been filed with the Supreme Court of Georgia. Current CLE Rules remain in effect up to and until a ruling by the Court, which will include an effective date for the changes ....
We have openings for both lawyers and non-lawyers on our Unlicensed Practice of Law (UPL) Committee, appointed by the Supreme Court of Georgia.
Effective July 2, the procedure for Supreme Court Rule 26.1, concerning the Certificate of Interested Persons, was revised.
A fraudulent email was distributed from an account ending in @member-gabar.org. Here are some key steps to help you identify and avoid spoofed/phishing emails.
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