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Judge Parks Re-Elected to Board of Governors of State Bar of Georgia 

Jun 22, 2022, 00:00 by Jennifer Mason

Atlanta – Enotah Judicial Circuit Superior Court Judge Joy R. Parks was re-elected to serve on the Board of Governors of the 52,000-member State Bar of Georgia and was installed June 4.

Parks will continue to serve in the Enotah Circuit seat on the board, representing Lumpkin, Towns, Union and White counties. She earned her law degree from the Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law and was admitted to the State Bar of Georgia in 1993. She previously served as chief Magistrate Court judge in White County.

The Board of Governors is the 160-member policymaking authority of the State Bar, with representation from each of Georgia’s judicial circuits. The board holds regular meetings at least four times per year.

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