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Judge Heard Installed as President of Georgia Council of Juvenile Court Judges, Re-Elected to Board of Governors of State Bar of Georgia 

Jun 24, 2022, 00:00 by Jennifer Mason

Atlanta – Tifton Judicial Circuit Juvenile Court Judge Render M. Heard Jr. was recently installed for a one-year term, beginning June 1, as president of the Georgia Council of Juvenile Court Judges. He was also re-elected to serve on the Board of Governors of the 52,000-member State Bar of Georgia and was installed June 4.

The Council of Juvenile Court Judges is composed of all the judges of the juvenile courts of Georgia, which exercise jurisdiction over a variety of cases involving children and families.  The council provides support to juvenile courts through legal research services, legislative tracking, and specialized programs to assist in protecting the best interests of children and the state. Heard has served on the council’s Executive Committee for a number of years and chaired its Dependency and Legislative Committees.

Heard earned his law degree from the Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law and was admitted to the State Bar of Georgia in 1997. He is also a fellow of the Lawyers Foundation of Georgia and a past president of the Tifton Bar Association.

Heard will continue to serve in the Tifton Circuit seat on the State Bar’s Board of Governors, representing Irwin, Tift, Turner and Worth counties. The Board of Governors is the 160-member policymaking authority of the State Bar, with representation from each of Georgia’s judicial circuits. The board holds regular meetings at least four times per year.

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