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Georgia legal community mourns loss of Judge Bill Sams

Jan 10, 2023, 00:00 by Sarah B. ~~Sally~~ Akins

The Augusta Chronicle
Columbia County News-Times
, Evans

To the Editor:

The State Bar of Georgia extends condolences to the family, colleagues and many friends of longtime attorney and former Augusta Judicial Circuit Juvenile Court Judge H. William “Bill” Sams Jr. of Evans on his passing at the age of 83. 

A member of the Georgia Bar since 1963, Judge Sams practiced law in Augusta for more than 50 years, specializing in family law. A leader in the legal profession, he frequently lectured on family law for the Institute of Continuing Legal Education and chaired the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia.

Judge Sams was the 2004 recipient of the Jack P. Turner Award, recognizing outstanding achievement in family law. During the 1970s, he served four years as a member of the Georgia House of Representatives.

The exemplary career of Judge Bill Sams is an inspiration to all Georgia lawyers and judges. We appreciate and will remember his many contributions to the cause of justice in our state.

Sarah B. “Sally” Akins
President, State Bar of Georgia

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