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Congratulations to new South Georgia Superior Court judges

Mar 14, 2023, 00:00 by Sarah B. ~~Sally~~ Akins

The Albany Herald
The Post-Searchlight
, Bainbridge
The Cairo Messenger
The Camilla Enterprise

To the Editor:

The State Bar of Georgia congratulates M. Claire Chason of Chason Law Firm LLC in Cairo and Lawton C. Heard Jr. of Heard Law Group LLC in Camilla on their appointments by Gov. Brian Kemp to serve as Superior Court judges for the South Georgia Judicial Circuit, covering Baker, Calhoun, Decatur, Grady and Mitchell counties.

Judge Chason will be well served by her 37 years of experience in the legal profession, including prior service as an assistant solicitor general of Mitchell County State Court and as an assistant district attorney in the Dougherty Judicial Circuit, in addition to private law practice. 

Judge Heard brings 17 years of legal experience to his new position, having previously served as chief judge of the Grady County Magistrate Court, as a law clerk to Superior Court Judges Wallace Cato and Richard Porter in the South Georgia Circuit and in private law practice. He also represents the South Georgia Circuit on the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Georgia.

Through their acceptance of these appointments, Judge Chason and Judge Heard demonstrate their continued commitment to serving the public and the justice system. We wish them well in their new positions of judicial leadership.

Sarah B. “Sally” Akins
President, State Bar of Georgia

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