The State Bar’s website will undergo maintenance on Thursday, March 13, from 5–6 p.m. The site will be unavailable during that time.
The benefits of membership include:
Georgia Lawyers Helping Lawyers (LHL) is a confidential peer-to-peer program that will provide...
We’ve made lawyer wellness a priority. Visit to view articles and resources...
The Law Practice Management Program maintains a library of books, CDs and DVDs on a variety of...
In order to help members easily locate vendors providing legal services and goods, the Bar has...
This campaign has a dual purpose, directed toward lawyers and judges who are suffering from...
As a member of the Bar, you are eligible for discounted rates at hotels in close proximity to the...
Job resources are provided as a member service of the State Bar of Georgia. This list is provided as...
SOLACE (Support of Lawyers/Legal Personnel) is a State Bar program designed to assist any member of...
Bar Center conference rooms can be reserved at no charge for law-related meetings. The Lawyers...
Free parking is available during business hours for members visiting and using the Bar Center. A Bar...
Provides business management assistance; technical and general consultations; software advice and...
The Lawyer Assistance Program is a confidential service provided by the State Bar to help its...
Member Benefits, Inc., is the recommended broker of the State Bar of Georgia for health, dental...
Potential clients need a place to find trusted lawyers and Reliaguide can help. The FIND A LAWYER...
vLex Fastcase is a comprehensive national law library on your computer/tablet/smartphone, with...