State Bar of Georgia
State Bar of Georgia

To Join a YLD Committee

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YLD Business Law Subcommittee

This subcommittee of the YLD Litigation Committee addresses issues specific to young lawyers whose practice involves either commercial litigation or commercial transactions. The subcommittee monitors and addresses legal developments in the areas of business, commerce and finance on both federal and state levels.

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YLD Child Protection and Advocacy

The purpose of this committee shall be to promote the objectives of the Young Lawyers Division within the field of Child Protection and Advocacy. The committee provides opportunities for young lawyers engaging in different areas of juvenile advocacy to connect.

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YLD Community Service Projects

This committee provides opportunities for young lawyers to participate in local, state or national service projects focused on various social issues, such as working with organizations that address the needs of underprivileged children, hunger, domestic violence, and the environment.

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YLD Corporate Counsel

This committee addresses issues specific to young lawyers who practice in corporate legal departments, as well as those in private law firms that interact/represent corporate legal departments. The committee monitors and addresses legal developments in the areas of corporate governance and compliance, regulatory matters, mergers and acquisitions, ethics, human resources, technology solutions, privacy and partnerships with private law firms.

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YLD Criminal Law

This committee strives for the improvement of the criminal justice system, and where appropriate, seeks to implement changes. The committee annually sponsors CLE seminars and the Commitment to Justice Award.

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YLD Disaster Legal Assistance

This committee coordinates emergency legal assistance for victims of natural disasters.

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YLD Estate and Elder Law

This committee is involved in the delivery of legal services to the elderly, monitoring legislation and other legal developments affecting the elderly community, and providing general information to older Georgians. This committee also oversees the Wills Clinic, which is a pro bono service project where attorney volunteers assist first responders in the preparation and execution of basic estate planning documents. The documents offered by the Wills Clinic include a Last Will & Testament, a Financial Power of Attorney and an Advance Health Care Directive.

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YLD Ethics and Professionalism

This committee develops programs to assist lawyers in achieving the ethical and professional standards set forth for the legal profession and to make the public aware that lawyers are striving to meet and exceed these standards. This committee works with the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism and the State Bar's Committee on Professionalism. The committee recognizes one young lawyer who has demonstrated outstanding professionalism with its Ethics & Professionalism Award.

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YLD Family Law

This committee provides educational and networking opportunities to young lawyers whose practice involves family law. The committee sponsors a networking event as part of the annual Family Law Institute, as well as an annual signature fundraising event, the "Supreme Cork," to raise money and awareness for causes involving family related issues in Georgia.

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YLD Federal Law Subcommittee

This subcommittee of the YLD Litigation Committee addresses issues specific to young lawyers whose practice involves federal litigation. The subcommittee provides opportunities for young lawyers engaging in different areas of federal practice to connect.

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YLD High School Mock Trial

This committee provides educational litigation experience to hundreds of high school students by sponsoring an annual statewide mock trial competition, sending a team to the national competition and holding a fall law camp. Young lawyers, judges and teachers throughout Georgia get involved in all levels of the competition as coaches, judges and committee members.

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YLD Inclusion in the Profession

This committee facilitates, analyzes and presents initiatives and programs which promote and increase participation, retention and representation of Georgia's diverse young lawyers to more accurately reflect the makeup of our state. The committee includes young lawyers who have been historically underrepresented and is open to all YLD members interested in supporting these goals and interests.

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YLD Intellectual Property Law

This committee promotes communication among young lawyers practicing in the various areas of intellectual property law as well as networking with other practice groups to enhance the availability of business opportunities. The committee provides CLE programs as well as social activities that promote networking and Bar participation.

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YLD Intrastate Moot Court

This committee sponsors the annual Intrastate Moot Court Competition among students from Georgia law schools. It organizes and conducts all aspects of the competition.

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YLD Judicial Law Clerk

This committee serves the professional needs of, and addresses issues specific to, young lawyers serving as Staff Attorneys or Judicial Law Clerks in either State or Federal Courts throughout the state. In this regard, the committee monitors and addresses legal developments and issues facing the courts. Moreover, the committee provides a forum for young, practicing lawyers to gain insight from other young lawyers serving in the courts. The committee also sponsors CLE programs, covering topics of interest to Staff Attorneys and Judicial Law Clerks, and offers networking events throughout the year.

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YLD Labor and Employment Law

This committee provides educational and networking opportunities by: (1) enhancing the role and skill of young lawyers engaged in the practice of labor and employment through the development and dissemination of materials and discussion on subjects of interest to young labor and employment law practitioners; (2) assisting in the formation, administration and implementation of programs, forums and other activities for the education of members in matters pertaining to labor and employment; and (3) recognizing and discussing means of improving the practice of law in the field of labor and employment through meetings and other social events.

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YLD Law School Outreach Program

The Law School Outreach Program seeks to communicate with each of Georgia's law schools and plan events where young lawyers can speak to students about getting involved in the YLD.

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YLD Leadership Academy Alumni Subcommittee

This subcommittee of the YLD Leadership Academy Committee provides continuing leadership development, community service, pro bono opportunities and networking opportunities for Leadership Academy alumni. The committee annually hosts a Holiday Luncheon and other events and programs to encourage members to sustain the relationships formed with their class, as well as forge new relationships with other alumni while serving the community. Members must be Leadership Academy graduates.

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YLD Legal Food Frenzy

This committee coordinates with the Office of the Attorney General to host the statewide "Legal Food Frenzy," a food drive and fundraiser competition among Georgia's law firms, law schools and other legal organizations. The committee partners with community legal leaders across the state to spread awareness about Georgia's hunger problems, and to make a significant impact by gathering both canned food donations and monetary donations to help those affected by hunger in the state. Community leader sign-ups begin on March 1, and the competition runs from late April to May 1.

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YLD Legislative Affairs

This committee promotes education and involvement in the state legislative process. Working with the State Bar, the committee promotes Bar and/or YLD-initiated legislation and assists other YLD committees in legislative-related matters, including co-hosting the annual legislative luncheon with the Leadership Academy.

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YLD Litigation

This committee addresses the needs of younger litigators by sponsoring litigation themed lunch-and-learns, CLEs and socials. The committee also places an emphasis on social activities as well as service to the community, fostering networking among the members.

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YLD National Moot Court

This committee conducts the Region V competition of the National Moot Court Competition.

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YLD Public Interest Internship Program

This committee oversees the Public Interest Internship Program (PIIP) and acts as a liaison to other public interest organizations.

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YLD Real Estate Law

This committee promotes communication among young lawyers practicing in the various areas of real estate law as well as networking with other practice groups to enhance the availability of business opportunities. The committee provides CLE programs as well as social activities that promote networking and Bar participation.

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YLD Solo Practice/Small Firm

This committee seeks to provide opportunities for and support to solo practitioners and young lawyers who work in small firms. Recognizing that the economy and many other factors contribute to young lawyers hanging their own shingles, this committee focuses on providing discounted CLEs, organizing networking events and creating projects aimed at sharpening the skills and increasing the success of active member participants.

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YLD Sports Law

This committee seeks to create engaging and exciting programming for young lawyers centered around their shared love for sports. The YLD Sports Law Committee offers a platform for young lawyers to explore the world of collegiate and professional sports, while also expanding their professional networks and enhancing their legal skill sets.

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YLD Wellness

This committee is meant to help young lawyers navigate the stresses of the profession by creating and promoting programs that emphasize health and wellness, incuding physical, emotional and mental well-being, and increase awareness of existing Bar programs that deal with such issues.

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YLD William W. Daniel National Invitational Mock Trial

This committee hosts an annual criminal mock jury trial competition among law students. The talented competitors are law students hailing from law schools across the country. All Georgia law schools are also invited to participate. Every summer, the William W. Daniel National Invitational Mock Trial Committee sends hundreds of applications to ABA accredited law schools. Only 18 schools are invited to compete in this well known competition named in honor of the late Judge William W. Daniel of the Superior Court of Fulton County.

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YLD Women in the Profession

This committee's mission is to ensure the success of women attorneys just beginning their careers by providing a forum for dialogue and ideas on multicultural concerns of women, sponsoring programs directed to business and professional development, organizing networking activities, and supporting organizations and causes which advance the status and progress of women in society.

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YLD Workers' Compensation

This committee is aimed at young lawyers whose practice involves representing claimants, employers, insurers and servicing agents in workers' compensation claims. This committee seeks to be a resource to young workers' compensation attorneys by providing relevant and useful information to help navigate the workers' compensation arena; creating guidance and mentorship opportunities by connecting young attorneys with seasoned workers' compensation attorneys; and facilitating social and networking opportunities throughout the state of Georgia.

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